‘“My mind," he said, "rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmospher...
‘“My mind," he said, "rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere”’, Sherlock Holmes in ‘The Sign of the Four’, 1890
A fiendish puzzle and dastardly case for Sherlock Holmes combined in one absorbing wooden jigsaw challenge. Read the unfortunate case of Miss Carter and then act as a ‘consulting detective’ to determine how the murder was committed. Puzzle over the Sherlock-shaped wooden jigsaw, decorated with 19th century newspaper illustrations, and you will notice 10 uniquely-shaped ‘evidence pieces’ within the design. Use clues to identify five crucial pieces which, when put together, will solve the ‘howdunnit’. An imaginative challenge inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle’s (1859-1930) Sherlock Holmes stories. The box includes a double-sided image guide for the completed jigsaw, with the case and clues printed on the back. If stumped, open the puzzle solution for a hint and the answer to the mystery. Elementary!
A fiendish puzzle and dastardly case for Sherlock Holmes combined in one absorbing wooden jigsaw challenge. Read the unfortunate case of Miss Carter and then act as a ‘consulting detective’ to determine how the murder was committed. Puzzle over the Sherlock-shaped wooden jigsaw, decorated with 19th century newspaper illustrations, and you will notice 10 uniquely-shaped ‘evidence pieces’ within the design. Use clues to identify five crucial pieces which, when put together, will solve the ‘howdunnit’. An imaginative challenge inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle’s (1859-1930) Sherlock Holmes stories. The box includes a double-sided image guide for the completed jigsaw, with the case and clues printed on the back. If stumped, open the puzzle solution for a hint and the answer to the mystery. Elementary!
Size & Additional Information
29 x 33cm constructed
150 plywood pieces
18 x 13 x 5.5cm box
Includes a 25 x 20cm image guide; plus case, clues and solution
Age 10+
Paper and card can be recycled
150 plywood pieces
18 x 13 x 5.5cm box
Includes a 25 x 20cm image guide; plus case, clues and solution
Age 10+
Paper and card can be recycled
Overall product rating 4.7/5
31 December 2024
Service Rating:
Just finished the puzzle!
Interesting- and different.
Lost the insert telling of the crime so finding of the dagger pieces makes no sense.
HELP - could you send details
27 November 2024
Service Rating:
My friend said this was an excellent gift, something a bit different.