Lost Cities of The Ancient World

ITEM CODE: 29445
Spanning over 4,000 years of human history, an eye-opening book explores the cities that time forgot. An expert text highlights ancient cities and sites across Europe, the Middle E...
Lost Cities of The Ancient World
Spanning over 4,000 years of human history, an eye-opening book explores the cities that time forgot. An expert text highlights ancient cities and sites across Europe, the Middle East and Asia and profiles 38 astonishing cities and cultures lost to history. From the Mesopotamian city of Akkad and Pavlopetri, the oldest submerged city in the Mediterranean; to the impressive walls of Romano-British Venta Silurum, and the underground Cappadocian city of Derinkuyu. Spanning c.7250 BC – AD 1923, discover the rise and fall of cultures, trading empires and the myriad reasons once-thriving cities came to disappear from the map. Each profile presents photographs, maps and analysis of the city as it is today.
Size & Additional Information
24.5 x 17.5cm
288 pages
192 colour and black-and-white illustrations
FSC accredited paper