‘The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding’, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
A richly illustrated anthology of paintings, drawings and writings by Leonardo da Vinci (14...
A richly illustrated anthology of paintings, drawings and writings by Leonardo da Vinci (14...
‘The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding’, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
A richly illustrated anthology of paintings, drawings and writings by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Handsomely presented, the book encompasses the Renaissance polymath’s own words and over 100 faithful reproductions of his sketches and drawings; compiled from the major manuscript collections which now hold over 4,000 folios and papers recording the thoughts and workings of the artist. Includes selections from the Codex Ashburnham, Codex Atlanticus, Codex Leicester, Windsor Drawings and the Dell’ Anatomia; plus excerpts from Giorgio Vasari’s ‘Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects’, 1550. Themed chapters explore da Vinci’s art, anatomical observations, scientific experiments, philosophy, plans, and designs. Presenting the artist’s mirror writing and hand-written notes in type-set, English translation. Explore insights into studies for da Vinci’s great paintings, plans for canals, and imaginative designs, from fountains to military inventions, including a fearsome ‘car with scythes’ and ‘bombards’.
A richly illustrated anthology of paintings, drawings and writings by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Handsomely presented, the book encompasses the Renaissance polymath’s own words and over 100 faithful reproductions of his sketches and drawings; compiled from the major manuscript collections which now hold over 4,000 folios and papers recording the thoughts and workings of the artist. Includes selections from the Codex Ashburnham, Codex Atlanticus, Codex Leicester, Windsor Drawings and the Dell’ Anatomia; plus excerpts from Giorgio Vasari’s ‘Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects’, 1550. Themed chapters explore da Vinci’s art, anatomical observations, scientific experiments, philosophy, plans, and designs. Presenting the artist’s mirror writing and hand-written notes in type-set, English translation. Explore insights into studies for da Vinci’s great paintings, plans for canals, and imaginative designs, from fountains to military inventions, including a fearsome ‘car with scythes’ and ‘bombards’.
Size & Additional Information
25.5 x 19.5cm
384 pages
With 115 sepia, colour and black-and-white illustrations
25.5 x 19.5cm
384 pages
With 115 sepia, colour and black-and-white illustrations
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Ravilious Masterpieces
In stock
{"29220":{"default_sku":"1","lead_text":"1.8","list_price":"1299","local_inventory":"261","option1":"","option2":"","option3":"","sku":"29220","sort_price":"1299","stock":"IN_STOCK","tax_vat_included":"1","tax_vat_rate":"ZER","variant_average_rating":"4.5","variant_color":"","variant_name":"Lowry Masterpieces","variant_no_of_reviews":"2","variant_pf_id":"29220","variant_urlkeyphrase":"all-books/lowry-masterpieces","voption1":"","voption2":"","voption3":""}}
Lowry Masterpieces
In stock
Overall product rating 4/5
11 May 2024
Service Rating:
It was better than I expected,larger too! An ideal book for the coffee table!